Bearing Housings

All pillow blocks sold by Componente Industriale are high precision products, manufactured using the CNC lathes and automatic size cutting grinders. All steel balls are supplied from USA, Germany, Japan etc , in order to ensure the highest quality. All bearings are oil-lubricated to ensure long service life. They all have durable one-piece cast-iron bearing housing designed to maintain its original shape. They are precisely centered for easy installation and removal. Strict quality control ensures that these products meet international standards....
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Rulmentii oscilanti in carcasa comercializati de Componente Industriale sunt de mare precizie, fabricati conform ultimelor standarde din domeniu. Toate lagarele sunt echipate cu rulmenti de cea mai buna calitate si sunt gresati cu uleiuri speciale pentru a le imbunatati timpul de viata. Carcasele rulmentilor oscilanti sunt din fonta pentru a nu se deforma din cauza uzurii. Toate dimensiunile rulmentilor le puteti observa in tabelul de mai jos....
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All two-bolt flange units sold by Componente Industriale are high precision products, manufactured using the CNC lathes and automatic size cutting grinders. All steel balls are supplied from USA, Germany, Japan etc , in order to ensure the highest quality. All bearings are oil-lubricated to ensure long service life. They all have durable one-piece cast-iron bearing housing designed to maintain its original shape. They are precisely centered for easy installation and removal. Strict quality control ensures that these products meet international standards....
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All square flange units sold by Componente Industriale are high precision products, manufactured using the CNC lathes and automatic size cutting grinders. All steel balls are supplied from USA, Germany, Japan etc , in order to ensure the highest quality. All bearings are oil-lubricated to ensure long service life. They all have durable one-piece cast-iron bearing housing designed to maintain its original shape. They are precisely centered for easy installation and removal. Strict quality control ensures that these products meet international standards....
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All two-bolt flange units sold by Componente Industriale are high precision products, manufactured using the CNC lathes and automatic size cutting grinders. All steel balls are supplied from USA, Germany, Japan etc , in order to ensure the highest quality. All bearings are oil-lubricated to ensure long service life. They all have durable one-piece cast-iron bearing housing designed to maintain its original shape. They are precisely centered for easy installation and removal. Strict quality control ensures that these products meet international standards....
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Rulmentii oscilanti in carcasa comercializati de Componente Industriale sunt de mare precizie, fabricati conform ultimelor standarde din domeniu. Toate lagarele sunt echipate cu rulmenti de cea mai buna calitate si sunt gresati cu uleiuri speciale pentru a le imbunatati timpul de viata. Carcasele rulmentilor oscilanti sunt din fonta pentru a nu se deforma din cauza uzurii. Toate dimensiunile rulmentilor le puteti observa in tabelul de mai jos....
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